08 January 2008

It's All About You

I have had the chance to talk about a few of my amazing family members on this blog: recall my award-winning quilt-maker Aunt Carol...my published author mom Rose...and today, I am pleased to announce the accomplishment of another relation. My brother Tony Murphy is a cartoonist. He has done cartooning since he was a kid, and he's incredibly talented, both as a drawer and a humorist. And he has worked hard at his craft over these many years.

Recently, his strip, It's All About You, was picked up by a syndicate, which means that this syndicate will sell his strip to newspapers across the country. In a very short period of time, he has started appearing in about 5 or so papers; more are sure to follow. As part of the syndication effort, his strip will be featured daily on the internet. I am very excited about this, because now I get to have a daily laugh delivered to me straight from my brother, who lives 3,000 miles away from me. I wish I could post a cartoon right here on my blog, but I'm pretty sure the syndicate would have "issues" with that; if I find out differently, I'll post one soon.

Please visit the link above and check out It's All About You for yourself. You can even tell your local paper that you want to see it in print in their publication.

Let's see...I've told you to vote for Carol's quilt, buy Rose's book, and now to request Tony's cartoon strip in your local paper. Rather shameless of me, perhaps. But I figure that the creative endeavors of my talented family will enrich your own life, too, so you get something out of the deal as well!

Tony, congratulations on the strip, and on the internet presence. We look forward to seeing Michael and Gina on mugs, t-shirts, and calendars!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Amazing! How cool is that? Congrats to your brother.

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