Repost from February, 2011 – I came across this post the other day looking for something else on my lil blog. I enjoyed reading about the kinds of things the kids asked back then, and I really loved being reminded about their sleeping chests rising and falling, and the murmurs and whimpers of slow waking. Morning is still rich with promise and possibility, although the questions they ask now are harder.
On Christmas Day, we went for a walk somewhere pretty, and they let me take this photo. When I look at it, I think I could answer their questions all day long for the rest of my life and call it a life well spent.
Here is the 2011 post:
Kids come with a lot of questions. Most of them, I cannot answer, or at least not without research. Here are all the things to which I said "I don't know" this weekend:
- How far does a bullet fly?
- Why are white people called Caucasian? Why does it sound so much like Asian?
- What does the 'A' stand for in double A batteries?
- Is Hosni Mubarak a good person?
- Would you wear a burka if it was part of your religion and you lived in a country where the president made it illegal to wear one?
- What is the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian? Yeah, I thought I knew that one until I utterly failed to explain it coherently and ended up with an IDK.
- When was the last time a volcano erupted?
- Is Justin Timberlake nervous right now?
- Why can African American people use the n-word but no one else can, and why would they want to?
- How are you going to fix your computer? (This after the power cord prong thingy snapped off inside my laptop, rendering it un-power-up-able.)
- Can I go to the skate park tomorrow?
- Why do women always say other women are beautiful but men don't talk about how other men look? Actually, I did come up with a pretty decent answer for this one...but went with the IDK at first.
- Can you make us some popcorn? I was so brain dead by the time this question came up that I literally answered: I don't know.
1 comment:
Thank you Monica, for post! Lovely. Hope you, Rick, and your 5 offspring are enjoying the season!
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