01 August 2011

Then You Can Start To Make It Better

Happiness is...

...driving in the car listening to Hey Jude with my kids, thinking about how much I loved this song when I was a teenager, how much the music moved me and validated my every angst-filled thought, and about how back then, I never could have guessed that I would have these five little beings to call my own, all of whom know all the words to Hey Jude, who love it as much as I ever did, and about my own almost-teen, for whom this song is every bit as powerful and meaningful as it was for me when I was his age, and about how even today, in my less angst-filled but much more complicated world, the message is good and timely and such a blessing.

The movement I need is on my shoulder.

The movement to get up and make the coffee...
to make sure the laundry gets switched from washer to dryer...
to stop and admire my daughter's drawing of a mermaid under the sea...
to make tortilla soup...
to load everyone in the car and drive people to their destinations, to Shakespeare camp and soccer camp and Trader Joe's...
to make everyone do their chores...
to laugh at old Carol Burnett reruns...
to take a call from a friend who needs help drafting a letter to her boss, because her workplace is full of corruption and she wants to take a stand...
to wash the damn dishes...again...
to find shorts for the would-be 4 year old nudist...
to send a text to my husband with a photo of the latest kid creation I came across and to trade funny text messages with him...
to read The Thief Lord to the kids...
to let my daughter rest her head on my shoulder...

They are all here, ready for me to make the most of them, all of these movements, and the many, many more that will make up this day that seems impossible but probably isn't.

"Don't let me down. You have found her, now go and get her. Remember, to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better."

* * *

Find her. Go get her. Let her in. Let her go. Watch her fly.

* * *

1 comment:

Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

One of my favorites too and one of the reasons I have a daughter named Jude.

ISDK (I Still Don't Know)

Repost from February, 2011 – I came across this post the other day looking for something else on my lil blog. I enjoyed reading about the ki...