31 May 2011

A Quiz. Not the New Yorker One I Always Bomb.

Take a look at these photographs.

Now answer the following question. What do these five items -- two landscaping rocks, one anvil, a plant book, and an art book -- have in common. Are they:
(a) the gifts I received for Mother's Day?
(b) part of the most interesting homeschooling project we've done all year?
(c) just the right weight, when stacked together, to make my washing machine with its broken latch run?
(d) the only items that did not sell in our recent garage sale?
Imagine now that you are listening to the little Jeopardy Ditty. Enter your guess in the comments. I'll post the answer tonight!

(I got a 50% on the most recent New Yorker News Quiz. In my defense, I did not get the American Idol question right, which I think should actually increase my score by at least 30%. Don't I get credit for shunning network television?)

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ISDK (I Still Don't Know)

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