17 May 2011

On the Flip Side

Lest anyone think I am pollyanna about homeschooling, I just thought I'd post an actual text I sent to my husband a few minutes ago:

"T just pooed and peed on the floor in her room while she was in a time out for scratching deep ruts in her sister's chest. While I'm trying to help E with her math, V wants me to help him with something he is building, L wants me to read aloud some more, and S is probably eating cake."

I then texted him a four letter word that was not Puck.

OK, off to read the next chapters of Beyond The Western Sea.

Never a dull moment. I really wish there were.

* * *


Kristin said...

I've gone from 3 to 1. I don't remember how I managed 3 and I wonder how you can do 5? But I guess classrooms have as many as 35--so count your blessings. Does that help? Nope rhymes with dope.

Hope to see you at the fair this Thursday at Crab Cove for some outdoor fun. Do you know about it?

bleu said...

I'm glad I found this blog. I have one child, who is in a special day class and I find myself stressed and crying sometimes. There are such a vareity of reasons which makes things so awful. I can totally understand why you homeschool!

Kate Hall said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAAAA.... hahaha.... and then some more. so happy to know pollyanna is still stuck on a disney screen somewhere.. poor thing...

Viv said...

I was feeling all left out, the way you have seemingly mastered life since you started homeschooling. It seems like everyone (bloggy pals) pulled their sh*t together all at once, and I still personify calamity and disaster...effectively becoming the odd man out. It is nice to know that you still have days where calamity and disaster prevail...because really, change a few initials and I could have written that, though I would have thrown in a few extra pucks. I feel decidedly less alone, and like maybe there is still hope for me one day after all. ;)

ISDK (I Still Don't Know)

Repost from February, 2011 – I came across this post the other day looking for something else on my lil blog. I enjoyed reading about the ki...