15 January 2010

7 Quick Takes

Today, I am joining in the fun of 7 Quick Takes Friday, hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary. I've always enjoyed these on her blog and on Suburban Correspondent's, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

1. We have nothing to fear. These words were spoken to me on Tuesday evening and have stayed with me all week, reverberating like a bell inside my heard. Think about it for awhile. Given that I usually behave as if the opposite is true, this, for me, is a revolutionary thought. We have nothing to fear. Try that on for size and walk around with it for a few days.

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2. I am within weeks of not having to change diapers anymore. I did the math on how many diapers I have likely changed in the past 11.5 years, and it's definitely hovering around 18,000. Don't think about that one for very long. It doesn't lead anywhere nice.

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3. Bonfires make everyone happy. We had another one in the backyard last night, and I swear it was good for the soul. The kids played and played and were happy and not bickering. Who knew that the secret to a happy family is a very cold night and a very big fire? (It wasn't actually a bonfire: just a huge fire in a metal drum.) Here is some art from my 2nd born that captures the evening.

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4. I am learning that I am not very good at the "quick" part of 7 Quick Takes Fridays.

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5. If you live in the Bay Area, and would like to listen to beautiful music while supporting Haitian relief, check this out: The San Francisco Boys Chorus and Oakland Diocese Respond to Haiti Earthquake Disaster with Benefit Relief Concert. Tickets can be purchased at that link.

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6. When we had our first child, we were very, very disciplined about what we let him watch (nothing) on TV. Now we have five. My fifth child's brain cells are dying by the minute with the amount of TV I use to babysit her let her watch. If I am very quiet, I can actually hear the synapses in her head collapsing. It's kind of a pphhhtttt sound.

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7. I got a flat tire on the freeway the other day. That was an adventure. But the good news is that had it not been for that experience, we would never have learned that 511.org offers a free road side service to help people with things like flat tires. Rick came to my rescue, but it was raining and miserable out (why is it always raining when you get a flat tire?), so I took the kids home and left him on the side of the road to struggle with the tire. A 511.org guy happened by and helped him! Just think, we got our tire changed and our faith in humanity restored, all in one afternoon! So if you find yourself in need, call 511 and get some help.

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Thus endeth my inaugural 7 Quick Takes Friday.

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ISDK (I Still Don't Know)

Repost from February, 2011 – I came across this post the other day looking for something else on my lil blog. I enjoyed reading about the ki...