It was a big three days.
Four performances of Midsummer Nights Dream.
Two soccer games.
Dinners with extended family.
Swimming with cousins.
I missed quite a bit.
This afternoon, I picked up Little T from Kindergarten, and as we walked hand in hand to the car, she told me all about how ready she is for her very first soccer practice ever for her very own team. She listed the things she collected this morning: cleats, shorts, shin guards. Then she put her hands out in front of her, cocked her hip to one side and said: "Officially, all I need now is matching socks!"
It was adorable. And it made me laugh. I grabbed her and hugged her, and she said:
"I got funnier while you were gone."
It's true: she's hilarious.
Soccer practice is still three hours away. Having wolfed down her lunch, she is now dressed, right down to shin guards, and is asking me every 2 minutes if it's time to go. A sense of humor will come in handy this afternoon.
* * *
where did you go?
That's awesome!
How exciting to travel for work and to come back and see that it all didn't end and went along fine while you were gone. You must have a great helper...
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