27 September 2011

A Good Day

Today has been a good day.  Little T spent much of it catching skippers.  V and L built a marble track.  People read.  People even did math.  E and L and I played a raucous game of Monkey in the Middle with a big red balloon.

And today is Tuesday, so it's movie day.  The kids are watching Guess Who's Coming to Dinner with Sidney Portier and Katherine Hepburn.

These are some damn lucky kids!


Suburban Correspondent said...

I like those sort of days!

Homemaker Man said...

Great day. Great movie

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

SC: Me too...wish they were more frequent.

HM: I had never seen it before! I loved it -- Kathryn Hepburn was amazing.

And I'll Raise You 5 said...
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ISDK (I Still Don't Know)

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