22 April 2010

The Fort That Love Built

A couple of days ago, I posted about my aversion to fort-fun in my living room. My friend Kerri's response deserves a post of its own. Here it is:

Whew...thank you for posting this. I loathe the explosion that comes after cleaning a room. And the clean space begging for a fun mom to build a fort....I usually try to turn a blind eye and let 'em at it, but secretly I'm cringing while ignoring, wishing that I had the "fun-ness" to join them.

A wise older friend told me a long time ago, when I was in a cleaning frenzy before some guests came, people don't come over to see your house, they come to see you. Have a big kitchen and plenty (food, wine, love, advice, stories) to share. So let the bomb drop in my living room....I've got cellar full and a fridge that's stocked. We can all hang out inside the fort that love built.

Thank you, Kerri! And just in time for me to have the right attitude for getting the house ready for a First Communion party!

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Kerri said...

Thanks, Monica....you can stop by any time to check out my "cellar"

nicole said...

great response, but for the record i loath fort building too.

ISDK (I Still Don't Know)

Repost from February, 2011 – I came across this post the other day looking for something else on my lil blog. I enjoyed reading about the ki...