03 February 2015

Sights and Sounds

It has been such a busy and challenging year so far.  Many highs and lows, many, many activities, and not much down time.

Today: the perfect antidote.  A much needed day off.  Some California winter weather (read: sunshine).  A trusty dog.

Not much in my world cannot be made better by hearing and seeing the following:

What sights and sounds soothe your rough edges?


Gabriele said...

Beautiful sights and sounds! I am missing those myself! Where did you go?

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

Wildcat Canyon! Five stars. I highly recommend. Cure for what ails. :)

ISDK (I Still Don't Know)

Repost from February, 2011 – I came across this post the other day looking for something else on my lil blog. I enjoyed reading about the ki...