12 February 2011

Saturday Morning

The day is before me. The sun is clear and bright. I haven't yet hit the wall...but it's only 9am.

This weekend holds the following for us:

Lola-berry-ding-dong has a soccer clinic today.
Sam is serving at a Funeral Mass today.
We need to buy shoes for Sam before the Funeral Mass.
Sam is serving at 7:30am Mass tomorrow.
Lola is going to an overnight with Grandma and Poppa.
Sam and I will go to his end of the season soccer party tomorrow.
Rick gets to go watch the Gaels beat the Dons in San Francisco tonight.
Sam wants to go a footy-soccer (soccer tennis) clinic tomorrow.
Vincenzo has a futsal game tomorrow.

Notably, Little T and Lady E are missing from that long list of activities. Apparently, they have no plans for the weekend. However, I have plans for them. Big plans.

They. Will. Bathe.

That way, while they are being carted hither and non, along for the ride while other people go to various functions, our minivan will not be attended by two little Pig Pen clouds and a bad smell.

You can dress up a filthy little toddler, but she's still a filthy little Lady Godiva toddler.

Have a good weekend everyone!

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ISDK (I Still Don't Know)

Repost from February, 2011 – I came across this post the other day looking for something else on my lil blog. I enjoyed reading about the ki...